Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Jerry! I called Jerry to tell her I was on my way, she told me she was going to take me to lunch after we went to the Senior Center, I told her I would take her to lunch since it was her Birthday she said “No, I’m taking you, and that’s just how it is.” When I pulled up at the house, Jerry came out and was ready to go. Her hair looks nice today! She said she had been ready since ! She also mentioned that she received 6-7 Birthday calls already. When we got to the Senior Center they ended up only singing for a half hour and they had empty chairs, so I sang too. She said she didn’t want to go anymore because it was a waste of time. It was my fault, I should have gone earlier for her to practice and sing a little more before they went in the dining room to sing. I hope she will continue. She wanted to go to brunch at Dee's. We had brunch there and I drove her home so she could watch re-caps of the Royal wedding. (She said she would finish her banana cherry shake today).
Have a rest of a Happy Birthday and a Happy Mothers Day too!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tomorrow is Jerry’s Birthday!! :) I came over today because she was going to go to lunch with her daughter on Friday. She was washing her hair when I came over, and told me she called her daughter and said she wanted to sing at the Senior Center tomorrow. She changed her Birthday lunch to Saturday. I helped her set her hair; she wants to look nice when she sings :) we visited for a bit too. She will be singing on stage with the other song birds tomorrow, she seems excited.
(She mentioned that she liked the idea of the Royal wedding being on her Birthday). I will be coming over on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today the weather was crazy! When I came over we talked for a bit about the weekend and how she was doing. She mentioned she got to go and see Thelma. It was sunny before we left and then it got to be overcast, then it snowed and was sunny again, then snowed. We went to a pet store to ask about some dog chews for Pepper. We went to Rite Aid and picked some up. On the way home, we stopped and looked at the ducks "like we used to when you kids were little" When we came home Jerry was looking at the comments on her blog and wanted me to add “I hope the kids had a Happy Easter”. She wants Dalleen and Corky to “Get on the ball and get something going”. She wants to see pictures on her blog ;) ("Send pictures of your little girls", she hasn't seen them in ages, "Tell them Grandma loves them very much") Jerry wants to know “Where did you spend Easter at? and did you have an Easter dinner?” and “How’s about sending a picture of your cabin so we can see what it looks like.” Jerry said the kids were excited when they got their Easter baskets! “We decorated them so cute.” “It reminded me of the time you kids were little and used to go outside and have an Easter egg hunt.”

Friday, April 22, 2011

Today we went to the Senior Center and sang with the songbirds, I sang with Jerry this time. There was an Easter program going on in the dining room area, they all wanted to go to that for the rest of the singing time, we watched that for just a few minutes, they had cake and were watching and listening to someone play the piano. Jerry didn’t want to go in the dining room because the food tastes like Meals on Wheels :/ Next week when she sings, she will be up on the stage in the dining room. We went to lunch at Iceberg today instead of at the Senior Center, it was a nice day but still too cool to sit outside. When we were done with lunch we went back to her house and finished some Easter ‘stuff’ at her house. (I'll post pictures after Easter) I showed her the comments made on her blog, they made her smile.
Happy Easter!

Monday, April 18, 2011

I called Jerry today to let her know I would be there this afternoon. She wasn’t sure that she wanted me to come over because it is raining so hard. I told her I would call her back this afternoon. It will probably clear up by then and if not I can go over and show her the new pictures I added to her blog, and I can also bring some games that we can play inside. We talked about me coming over on Monday and Friday mornings and see how that works. I think it should work out pretty good. While I was there Corky called! It was so nice to finally sort of meet him after hearing about him from Jerry. We talked for a bit about the blog, nice guy. Now he will be able to add things to it too if he wants. We even got on facebook and added John (Corky) and Dalleen as friends. Jerry was giving me all kinds of names to look up. It was fun. Friday we will be going to the Senior Center to sing with the songbirds. I’ll sing this time too :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

It was Jerry’s first day singing at the Senior Center with the songbirds. Quite a few people showed up, it was fun. She knew almost all the songs. She said she had a good time. They asked if she wanted to get up and sing a song but she didn’t want to. (I don’t blame her, its hard getting up in front of others, especially when you don’t know them). Next week they were talking about wearing Easter hats while singing, but Jerry’s not into that. We had lunch at the Senior Center afterwards and then went to Dollar Tree to find things for Easter

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We Match :)
Today Jerry needed to go to Walmart to pick up a few things. I showed her some ads I found in Sunday’s paper for Easter ‘stuff’ at Shopko. We went to Shopko first and while we were there, she found a teal purse that she really liked. She bought a red one instead and then when we left she was saying that she wished she would have bought the other one. We turned around and went back and traded the red one for the teal one she wanted. She was so happy to get it. It was the last one too! It started to rain but earlier it was a nice day. We went to Walmart and then back to her house. We talked about me coming over on Friday mornings so that she can go to songbirds at the Senior Center. (It’s a singing group that sings once a week and performs once a month). I showed her the goat (I forgot his name, I think it’s Walter?) that her grand daughter has, it was on her grand daughters family blog.  

Monday, April 11, 2011

It ended up being a nice day today after snowing over the weekend. When I came over Jerry wasn’t home, is she trying to avoid me ;) just kidding. Where are you Jerry? I stayed for a little bit and waited for her, but she didn’t show up. I went over to Carol’s but she doesn’t answer the door. I looked everywhere and even drove around the neighborhood. I hope she is at bingo or doing something fun. I’ll see her on Wednesday, hopefully. ;)

Friday, April 8, 2011

It snowed today. Jerry went to lunch with Jamie and Joe. When I came over it was snowing pretty bad, I showed her the blog and the comment that was made on it from her grand daughter. She was SO happy to see that. She thought the pictures of ‘kener4’ were really cute. She read her blog from the beginning to the most recent one. She thought it was really ‘neat’. She said she just loves it. :) We just visited for a little while today. She got an Easter card from Sarah and John and was really happy to see their pictures.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Today when I came over, Jerry was no where to be found. She came home after I had been at the house for a few minutes. Sheri had taken Jerry to go to the store. After she left, we visited for a bit then we went for a walk with pepper. We walked over by the elementary school, it was SO windy. We sat down at the benches to get out of the wind. (Of course later on after we got back it wasn’t as bad). I asked Jerry if she used to take her kids out for picnics there. She said yes and that they used to climb the trees. She said this is a “Nice place for a picnic”. John (Corky) called while I was there; he was telling Jerry he gets a kick out of reading what she has been up to. His grand kids are in Hawaii! “Must be nice”. I think on Friday we will either go see Thelma or go to the craft store to make something for Easter. (I finally got a picture of her today). :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jerry wasn’t sure what she wanted to do today. I had her look at all the activities that she had written down to see if she wanted to do any of them. She said she needed to go and get some water for her oxygen. I mentioned going up to the Senior Center to see if they had any late afternoon activities first. They really don’t have a lot for later in the day. She seemed interested in the ‘songbirds’ on Friday at . It’s a group that sings together and then performs once a month. She said she likes to sing and to sing along with others and that she likes activities. We went for a drive up to the mountains afterwards. It snowed over the weekend and it looked really pretty. She chose to go up little cottonwood canyon. She was saying how she used to go hiking with Bud when she was younger and was mentioning how pretty the mountains were, and how much it had changed since the last time she had been up there. We went to Walmart after wards to get her distilled water. She saw Leslie at the store too. She is taking Jerry to get her hair done tomorrow!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I met Cathy, Joe and Jerry’s great grand daughters today. :) We visited for a bit then Jerry’s grandson Jessie stopped by with his friends to take the truck.
Jerry wanted me to hear it when it started. She wanted to go to the zoo today but when I checked the times, they close at ; we probably would have gotten there just as they were closing. I asked her what else she would like to do and she wanted to go to the cemetery and then to the craft store. We went to Hobby Lobby and she bought some blue flowers and some blue butterflies, she really liked them. We came home and she arranged them in a vase. She said “If you had a lot of money you could sure buy a lot in that store.” She was saying that her daughter arranges flowers.